Monday, May 30, 2011

Life on Mars

Here is another mini series I recommend. A few months ago, Chuck and I watched the British version of Life on Mars. We saw this first because it is the original. Last night we started on the American version. It promises to be just as good. I suppose you could call this science fiction since it deals with time travel and they do try to explain how someone from 2008 suddenly finds himself in 1973. It doesn't make much sense, but that matters little. It is interesting to see what a man from the present reacts to life 35 years ealier. Sam Tyler is hunting down a killer who likely has taken Sam's girlfriend. During the hunt, Sam is hit by a car and wakes up in 1973. Conveniently, he is dressed in appropriate clothes, has a car, ID, and a job at the same police station where he had been working in 2008, only this time at a lower position. He goes a little crazy at first, understandably, but soon settles in to fighting crime while trying to figure out why he is there and how to get back. I enjoyed the British version to hear all the fun slang. In the NYC story, it is a hoot to see things come to life from a time when I was young. They show the twin towers, which gives an eerie feeling of sadness and doom to come. Sam meets the serial murderer he was chasing in 2008 but now he is a little boy. He also meets himself and his young mother. I'm ready to go watch the next episode!

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