Sunday, February 8, 2009

At the zoo

February 7th dawned a beautiful, 70 degree, and rare windless day. Chuck and I decided to visit the zoo and found lots of people out enjoying the sun. Later, we took a drive in the Speedster and saw local parks full of families grilling and playing in the fine weather. Chuck took these pictures at the zoo, of course. The wild turkeys were especially fascinating as they strutted around getting their groove on for the hens, who didn't seem interested at all. The swan cruised by several times hoping for a handout. At least he didn't get out and chase us as he does sometimes. Chuck took several pictures of the turkey vulture before he finally turned and gave us the eye. Something tells me it's all happening at the zoo. Go for a visit, the animals will love it if you do.
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Doug Duncan said...

You do have a great zoo...for true. Tell me, Do hamsters really turn on frequently?


Yia Yia said...

Yes, and elephants are missionary. They are building a new tiger exhibit at the zoo. I can't wait for that!

Doug Duncan said...

Beware of the sly foxes. They will try to mess with your home page.