Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Vietnamese sisters

Last Friday, Chuck had some business to take of for Lynda, our friend. Her sister was visiting from Minnesota and wanted us to bring Charis along. She had fun helping Vin sort through plastic containers and running around on Lynda's red carpet in the basement. There was a small shrine set up by the fireplace with a Buddah. Charis stared at it for a while and then proclaimed it was Santa. Lynda and her sister are teaching Charis to say a few things in Vietnamese. It give them great pleasure to hear her say things in their language. Charis became ill later on the day this picture was taken. Kelsey and I were on our way to a party at the dance studio and Charis started spewing. Not a fun evening. She is all better now.

1 comment:

Doug Duncan said...

So Buddah is Santa then. Well, that explains a lot. My only hope for lots of presents is to come back in the next life as a good little boy.